One of the first things I do when working with a new client is to establish what they believe is their Compelling Value Proposition Or Unique Selling Point. Of course this is all marketing speak which the majority of small business owners are not familiar with.
In everyday language the question I lead them to answer is “why should a customer want to do business with me?” or “
what is so special about my product or service”. The answer to this leads us on to lots of different outcomes as we look at
marketing channels, customer satisfaction, customer retention and so on, some of which I will cover in future posts. But for
you the reader, business owner or someone with a business idea – get a blank piece of paper and write down the answer to
this question.
For example : I (Steve Campbell) have conducted business in around 20 countries throughout Europe, the Far East and
spent much time in the U.S. (which I absolutely loved) as well as living in the Far East (Japan) for over 2 1/2 years. This
coupled with my experience of running my own organization, experience of customers from a wide range of cultures
coupled with a strong academic foundation and expertise in Internet Marketing and developing technologies gives my customers confidence that I can bring all that background to help them with their business.
It is satisfying for me having come from a Research and Development background and a base of marketing in the
computer industry to now work across a wide range of market sectors.
In closing, if you can answer the question as to why someone would benefit from doing business with you, then you will be
in a muich stronger position to start telling people about it and providing your product or service to the world.
Good luck with your business and marketing, let me know if I can be of assistance to you.
Feel free to post your comments and let me know what you think.
-Steve http://www.CapidHouser.Com/
PS : check out this resource put together by me and my team