Diversity In The Workplace – Testimonial

We are living in a world that is becoming [has become] increasingly connected, companies are looking to sell their products and services all over the world in order to generate the maximum amount of revenues possible. Diversity is now a Business Imperative where corporations need to be harnessing the full skills and competencies that are to be found in all employees.

The forward thinking companies found throughout the world make sure that the relevant structure and processes are in place throughout the organisation to ensure that employees that find themselves in the minority dimensions of diversity such as …

  • Ethnicity
  • Disability
  • Women
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Religious Beliefs

… and others; get the chance to use their skills for the benefit of the corporationat large. Whilst working for Hewlett Packard in my Marketing Management role, I was asked to get involved with the Diversity Program and ended up being involved with shaping the European as well as the U.S. Diversity Strategy for Hewlett Packard. This included making preparation for the very 1st Diversity Conference for Black and Minority Ethnics – my contribution was recognised globally and above you can see notice of the commendation and stock options that I received from the then MD of Hewlett Packard Europe.

As a Business Strategy consultant – I often get asked to comment and input on various aspects of the operation of the business which at times involves helping to shape the diversity component of the complete business strategy.

If you happen to be reading this as a Human Resources Representative, Manager or Business Owner in need of input in the specific area of Diversity Strategy – feel free to get in touch to see how we could possibly work together.


Stephen C Campbell

Stephen C Campbell

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