Everyone Should Learn A Foreign Language

One of the things which I feel disadvantaged about is the fact that I grew up in England where there is not a great emphasis on learning to speak another language. Why ? well because everywhere you go you are likely to find someone who speaks English. I have always been interested in learning a new language and found out how much you can break down barriers going to different countries and conversing with the locals in their mother tongue and breaking down barriers.

I feel language (whether you learn to speak spanish or learn to speak japanese) is a key part of people’s cultures and certain things can only be grasped by putting things on the playing field of the language. I have been fortunate to have worked in a global organisation and now I can get by in Spanish and Japanese so for me this is wonderful and I have made some great friendships because I put the time into learning those languages.

If you want to learn a new language I suggest you start today, get into the mind of another person’s culture and see how much delight there is when you can go to another country and get in with the locals. On top of that knowing another language may be used as a great business tool and can help you further your career. This is a digression from my usual posts but I feel strongly about this and recommend you go check out this remarkable resource me and my team put together at http://www.learnalanguage101.com/

To your success and continued progression.

Stephen C Campbell

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