sales and marketing strategies

When we look at the makeup of corporations, we can readily identify the different functions that makeup the organisation. Some of the more common functions are :-

  • Research And Development
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Human Resource Management
  • Finance
  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Facilties

.. and we could go on adding to the list. Now if we are to ask the question as to what most important functions are, we would most likely get different responses depending on who we posed the question to.

As the reason for the existence of any organisation is to provide its products and services to specific end user customers and; no matter how fantastic the research development engineers are, how streamlined the manufacturing department has become, how well the employees are looked after – if not enough attention is put into the Sales and Marketing functions; there will of course not be enough clients who are purchasing from the corporation.

I’d like to make the statement that Sales and Marketing is the Heart and Soul of every business and the failure to pay significant attention to this part of the business will ultimately end in the failure of the organisation.

To illustrate the point – let’s talk about my favourite company at this point in time when I am looking to illustrate excellence in the Sales and Marketing function – that company is Apple. To learn more about Apple’s latest and fantastic release I suggest you read apple ipad reviews by following the link. In recent years we have seen changes in Apple’s distribution strategies and walking into any Apple store will enable anyone to see what every company looks for – Raving Fanatics – who are passionate about the organisation’s products and services.

During my business radion program when going through the Marketing Mix – I posed the questions :-

  • Were there smart phones before the iPhone
  • Was there downloadable music before iTunes
  • Were there MP3 players before the iPod

and …

  • Were there Tablet PCs before the iPad ?

… the answer to all are Yes and yet Apple, through excellence is Sales and Marketing Strategies dominate in each specific Marketing Category. Time will tell as the iPad starts to sell internationally. At the time of writing – the iPad is yet to be release here in the UK and I for one cannot wait to get mine !!

To summarise – never fall so much in love with the products and services of the organisation so that you lose focus in constantly engaging with the targetted end user clients – they at the end of the day are the ones who must be depended upon to make consistent purchases from the organisation in order to keep the company in business.

The constant ongoing refinement and development [and execution] of the Sales and Marketing Strategies of the company – from large corporate to Small and Medium Enterprise, right down to the Solo Preneur will ensure the success of the business endeavour.

Any thoughts / comments.

Let me know,

Stephen C Campbell

Stephen C Campbell

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