Digital Marketing From A Channel To Customer Perspective

Business Development Strategy Development In the video accompanying to this blog post I take some time out to discuss what I consider to one of the fundamentals of business development that companies need to take into consideration which is that of channel marketing. When we refer to Channel Marketing we are able to conveniently divided Continue Reading…

mobile marketing systems

Running a business can be a very profitable venture if you’re using the correct tools to bring in the revenue. Imagine being able to get in touch with each of your employees with the push of a button, and get in contact with consumer that live nowhere near your business, all with one mobile application. Continue Reading…

business website search engine marketing

If you are in business then like it or not, you have to accept that your current and potential clients are searching for the products and services that you have to offer by using the major Search Engines of the world i.e. Yahoo, Google, Bing. Your consumers increasingly spend more and more time using the Continue Reading…

developing marketing strategies with the internet

Internet Marketing For Business Development It is safe to say that the majority of the existing go to market strategies that have been developed for small businesses (Small and Medium Enterprises) as well as some of the larger corporations were in some part originally developed before the rise and rise of some of the existing Continue Reading…

mobile marketing business strategy

As a business strategy consulting working with businesses from multiple market sectors on an international basis there are certain trends that are so dominant that for ongoing consulting and training sessions I cannot help but point them out. [display_podcast] One of these trends is the astounding use of mobile devices (smart phones, iPads, tablet computers Continue Reading…

business to business marketing and branding

B2B Branding And Marketing One of the programs that I run in companies and in public seminars is that of Business To Business Branding [Marketing & OEM Development]. Some pose the question as to why this topic so much in demand for various organisations ? Let’s consider the interconnected world as well as the economy Continue Reading…

business to business branding seminar

The visual and audio summary of the Business To Business Marketing and Branding seminar and consulting process that I follow may be viewed/listened to in the video below for those who prefer to take in information from an audio and visual perspective :- [display_podcast] For a quick rundown of the sections that we will go Continue Reading…

business to business branding

Business to business marketing and branding is at the heart of society considering that the majority of goods and services that we purchase are in fact a subset of what goes on in the b2b branding and marketing realms. This aspect of business development is being given a lot of attention and for good reason Continue Reading…

oem business development

OEM marketing and business development is where I spend a few years managing clients within Europe, the United States and the Far East. It is an exciting part of business to be involved in as so many people are unware of the fact that when they are driving a car or using a computer – Continue Reading…

business branding strategies

I was reading an interesting article the other day about the Billions, yes Billions of dollars that GE as a company adds to its bottom line in additional revenue because of the power of the GE brand. The question I ask myself, consulting clients and seminar attendees is – how much does your brand allow Continue Reading…