power of mobile marketing

Mobile marketing has the power to reach more people with less competition. You won’t have to compete with hundreds of spam emails, and you can reach people in just minutes! [display_podcast] Because people carry their phones with them everywhere they go, your messages can be in their hands in just moments. You won’t have to Continue Reading…

mobile marketing traffic

Mobile marketing can be very powerful if it is used properly, but most people have no idea how to use it for the most profit. The vast majority of people aren’t using mobile marketing at all, and those that do are typically not using it correctly. [display_podcast] As I mentioned earlier, it’s a bad idea Continue Reading…

smtp and mobile marketing

SMTP messaging is typically free, while SMS messaging is not. You may be wondering which you should use, or if you should use both. I suggest using both. SMTP messaging is a little more powerful than text messaging, because it’s … [display_podcast] … not subject to the same limits, but you have to be very Continue Reading…

Mobile Marketing Introduction

If you haven’t jumped about the mobile marketing revolution, it’s about time you do! Mobile marketing is positioned [display_podcast] to absolutely slaughter every other current marketing method! It’s going to blow away internet advertising, email, direct mail, and just about anything else you can think of. Why? 91% of Americans have a cell phone. 5 Continue Reading…

multi channel marketing strategy

In recent months, much of my work has been centred around that of Channel Marketing and I cover specifically that of [display_podcast] Multi Channel Marketing which is being expected and demanded by the end user customer more and more these days. So – why Multi Channel Marketing ? It has been shown that many people Continue Reading…

Business Testimonial – Fashion Designer

As The Sales and Marketing Process will continue to be at the heart and soul of all businesses – I gave a Business Marketing training session at Westminster Library last week for small business owners, amongst the feedback was this brief email from C Ho who is a fashion designer … “Hi Stephen : Thank Continue Reading…

Email Marketing

So you want to get into Internet Marketing, you want to take advantage of the power of the internet and make money online. To be successful on the internet you may well have heard that the money is in the list. Why? well, when you have a list you can Market to the list by Continue Reading…