Ideal Client Profile : Essential Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

Based on your definition of your strategies for ….. Channel Marketing Branding  Marketing Segmentation Category Marketing ..(see other posts for clarifation of the above if you need to) you should be able to develop an ideal client profile. Your Ideal Client Profile will tell you the type of person who is most likely to buy from Continue Reading…

Branding : Essential Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

What does your company mean or stand for ? when I ask this question – I don’t mean to you, I mean what does it mean to your current and future or potential customers. The process of branding means that the spotlight is turned on us as the provider of the product or service whether Continue Reading…

Channel Marketing : Essential Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

Every product or service must pass through a Marketing Channel in order to reach the end user. Most successful businesses today use multiple channels through which to reach their target market and your business should be the same. Examples of marketing channels are the Retail Store, Networking Events,  Distribution Warehouses, Shopping Malls, Telephone, Mail and Continue Reading…