Dealing With The Dimensions Of Diversity

[st_row][st_column][st_text el_title=””]When employed in the corporate world I recall vividly going through some of the first diversity training workshops put on by the company. These were all focused around the women versus men working together topic and the relevant issues which arose from that. As things progressed the voices of individuals from the other many Continue Reading…

The Business Case For Diversity II

Diversity is not just a “Feel Good Issue” in fact it may be more of a correct statement to classify Diversity as “A Critical Business Issue” i.e. there is a compelling business case for diversity. Today’s customers have a choice in purchasing products and services and; with the internet enable world that choice is becoming Continue Reading…

The Business Case For Diversity I

Often within organizations the question is asked (by varying sections of the workforce) “why are we bothering with Diversity”? The point being, “things have not been so bad up until this point so why divert time, energy and money into this thing called Diversity which only seems to be in existence to help certain sections Continue Reading…

Diversity, Management, The Marketplace & Bottomline Profits III

This is the final post on this topic on this critical topic of Diversity with the workplace. The results of fully incorporating Diversity into the fabric of the organization’s decision making process by the management team (ably assisted by the Human Resources department) will result in products and services which are more targeted to the Continue Reading…

Diversity, Management, The Marketplace & Bottomline Profits II

It is indeed beneficial to all involved to view Diversity in this unemotional fashion i.e. having the best people in the best positions to make the best decisions for the company. This is indeed one of the many challenges facing management today when faced with developing, marketing and delivering products and services to a diverse Continue Reading…