Business Radio Interview

As I continue to be asked to appear in the media to comment on current news and events and, link those events to key Business Sales & Marketing Strategies the Small & Medium Enterprises should be taking on not just due to the current economic climate but just because all businesses should be based on Continue Reading…

Customer Testimonials

Another Business Customer Testimonial from (a United Kingdom based United States Entrepreneur) my friend and Business Partner … [display_podcast] … Bill Moore [] As Marketing [and the resultant Sales] are the life and soul of every business idea [and organisation] so therefore it is essential to get a solid Marketing Strategy developed at the outset. Continue Reading…

Internet Marketing Expert On The Radio

Internet, Internet, Everybody is talking about the internet : [display_podcast] Facebook Google Myspace Youtube Squidoo Itunes And the rest – everday hundreds of millions of pounds flow through the internet and now it is time for you to grab a piece of the Internet Money Pie. My name is Stephen C Campbell from and Continue Reading…

Adding Streaming Video – A New Trend In Internet Marketing I

This is the 1st part of this 3 part post. Online advertising with your individual or company’s website in the form of adding streaming video is witnessing an explosive growth, this is because we as humans have a need to be communicated to via the Visual, Audio and Kinesthetic categories. This is why more and Continue Reading…