how to use qr codes for your business

If QR Codes are going to gain more acceptance with consumers, small business owners need to create fun and exciting QR Code marketing campaigns. Here are some tips to help you create a more entertaining campaign. 1. Create a treasure hunt campaign. This works when you have a certain time frame for a marketing campaign. Continue Reading…

using the internet for marketing

The question that many small business owners as well as executives from some of the largest corporations in the world have asked and are asking is, ‘what about the internet’ ?? … [display_podcast] … My response is that the internet is to be viewed as a marketing channel for the corporation. That is as a Continue Reading…

Blogs & Your Business – Use Them Strategically

Blogging is one area of using the internet that is misunderstood. Blogs are seperate and distinct from a ‘standard website, blogs are in nature dynamic with frequently changing content and is a vehicle that is used strategically to drive business and branding. [display_podcast] Small business owners have a great oppotunity to compete on a global Continue Reading…

Business Testimonial – Fashion Designer

As The Sales and Marketing Process will continue to be at the heart and soul of all businesses – I gave a Business Marketing training session at Westminster Library last week for small business owners, amongst the feedback was this brief email from C Ho who is a fashion designer … “Hi Stephen : Thank Continue Reading…

Establishing Your Compelling Value Proposition.

One of the first things I do when working with a new client is to establish what they believe is their Compelling Value Proposition Or Unique Selling Point. Of course this is all marketing speak which the majority of small business owners are not familiar with. In everyday language the question I lead them to Continue Reading…