Use Streaming Video To Rejuvenate Products i

This is the 1st in a III part post on using streaming video in your internet marketing activities.

Using streaming video is one of the hottest trends in internet marketing today. If you are a forward thinking internet marketing strategist sooner or later you are going to run into the problem that many product creators face; that is what to do when your product either isn’t selling very well or needs to be updated. Usually only a couple of choices have been available. One, sell the product or the rights to it to someone else. Two, basically duplicate the entire product creation process by researching and updating your product. Three, reduce the price and practically give it away to squeeze another round of sales from it.

Now we can add streaming audio and video broadcasting into the mix in order to interface with us human computer users in ways that we communicate naturally via the visual, audio and kinesthetic means. The use of streaming video meets these humans need and will communicate the benefits of your product and services to the end user ustomer.                        

To learn more about using streaming video go to Thanks and let me know if I can be of assitance to you in any way.

Stephen C Campbell

Stephen C Campbell

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