Time Changes :Â Travel westward, if you will, where the time changes. You go to bed saying to yourself that you will awaken at in the morning. You are traveling by sleeper on a fast express. You go to bed by Eastern Time, and while crossing the land enter the belt of Central Time, which is an hour slower; yet you awaken at literally five o’clock–not four o’clock, the absolute hour which would have been five for you had you remained in the Eastern belt; but the actual five o’clock of the new region, which is the Eastern six o’clock. Marvelous are the understandings and workings of the subconscious mind!
Upon giving this illustration in my campaigns, I have often been asked with some perplexity how is it that, if the subconscious mind is the omniscient and divine part of man, this sensitive medium may take up wrong suggestions, such as fear, worry, doubt, sorrow, fright, lack, limitation or poverty. The answer is very simple. All life is orderly and scientific, and works according to certain rules and regulations of nature. The same omniscient spirit which is within man is also within the acorn and the tree. The principle of life is God-Power. The God-Power in the acorn makes the oak; in you, it makes the man.
Learn more on how to harness the power of your Subconscious Mind by visiting http://www.UsingYourSubconsciousMind.Com/