Using Your Subconscious Mind

Alarm Clock : The Subconscious is the most wonderful thing in the human mind, and perhaps in all the world we know; for it is the omnipotent part of man. A single illustration will suffice to show this transcendent quality.

Did you ever go to bed at night desiring to awaken at a certain hour in the morning! The time may be altogether different from your usual arising hour, but is it not a fact that whatever it is, you generally awaken exactly on the dot. It may be two o’clock, three o’clock, four o’clock, five o’clock, six o’clock, or any other o’clock; but in nine cases out of ten you open your eyes on time.

This involves an operation of the omniscient part of man. The subconscious mind knows everything though, of course, it must be properly directed. If you wish to awaken at five o’clock in the morning, and are not used to rising at that hour, your conscious mind gives a strong suggestion which the subconscious takes up, and as a result you actually do emerge from sleep at the right moment, though without visible or external cause. Notice the omniscient (all-knowing) part of this again. You do not have to take out your watch and say ”eight hours from now will be five o’clock Standard Time–I shall get up at five o’clock.” No, it doesn’t make any difference whether it is two hours or five hours, whether it is eight minutes or 800 minutes. At the appointed time you will awaken. Just pause a moment and see what this means. You awaken at the appointed time, and there you are.

Using our Subconsious minds to achieve our Goals is essential for creating the lives of our dreams, more information at http://www.UsingYourSubconsciousMind.Com/

Stephen C Campbell

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