Mobile Marketing And Advertising

As we can all see, mobile marketing as well as mobile advertising is a terrific way for a variety of business types to get the word out. The beauty of this type of marketing is that it is instantaneous and targeted. Mobile marketing and advertising is in fact a coherent channel to market, and one Continue Reading…

international channel management

The topic of company expansion came up during my last radio program, during the discussion I went on to give an explanation of some of the [display_podcast] options open to corporations looking to expand their businesses internationally. Of course – the assumption is made that the company is making the moves to expand internationally for Continue Reading…

digital online marketing

A successful internet marketing strategy requires the right amount of resources to be allocated. These resources include funding, technology, and staff levels. You should first figure out what capabilities you have internally, so that you can determine whether or not you have the skill and knowledge you need internally or whether you will have to Continue Reading…

digital channel marketing

The large amount of interaction that can be had through the use of online methods is a key advantage to this type of marketing. With internet channel marketing, you can take advantage of the opportunity to more closely manage the whole experience of the user and refine this as it becomes necessary. This is possible Continue Reading…

digital internet marketing

These days the big thing in marketing is taking advantage of all of the digital options that are available to you. These tend to be a lot cheaper than using many of the print forms of advertising, so there is no reason not to venture into using at least some of these marketing methods. In Continue Reading…