business to business branding seminar

The visual and audio summary of the Business To Business Marketing and Branding seminar and consulting process that I follow may be viewed/listened to in the video below for those who prefer to take in information from an audio and visual perspective :-


For a quick rundown of the sections that we will go through should you employ me to conduct consulting/training in your organization is as follows :-

  • Introduction
  • Differences Between B2C & B2B Branding
  • Branding Dimensions
  • Branding Process
  • Branding Pitfalls
  • Case Studies

Reasoning behind the structure is to first give a grounding in the fundamentals of the topic, to look at some of the terminology and establish the overall framework and methodology for marketing and establish branding excellence to other organizations as opposed to the more common marketing and branding targeted to individual consumers.

It is important to make clear distinctions between the branding and marketing process in terms of the goal of selling products and services to other organizations. Whether your business to business marketing efforts are for the purpose of the partner company reselling your products as a component of their finished product [as part of an OEM business partnership] or; for the purpose of the partner organisation reselling or distributing your product – there are key fundamentals that need to be brought to mind and paid attention to if one organisation is going to be successful selling to another as the success of the selling company and the one selling to the end user are tied.

The Equity of the Brand is explored in the “Branding Dimensions” section and gives the marketer the fundamental business parameters on which to focus on in order to raise the equity of the brand in order to make the selling, marketing of the organization’s products and/or services run more smoothly.

The “Branding Process” section deals with some of the organizational complexities that need to be address if successful B2B Branding and Marketing ongoing campaigns are to be executed within the company. Ownership and management involvement is a key component that is addressed as this is one of the reasons why companies fail to make as much out of the B2B Products & Services as they otherwise could be if they do not adopt some of the structure and process management highlighted within this consulting process.

Finally we look at why some organizations fail in their B2B marketing and branding efforts by examining real life cases in order to extract the key learnings so we make sure that we do not make the same mistakes.

Do get in touch if you would like to discuss receiving some B2B branding and/or marketing consulting and training within your company.


-Stephen C Campbell



Stephen C Campbell

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