chamber of commerce director interview

As I continue to bring the lastest, fresh and relevant business news, comment and reviews to the listeners of the radio station – here is a podcast of an interview between Nigel Hutchins [GWE Business West Regional Director] regarding the


role of his organisation and what there is on offer for those who wish to become members.

GWE Business West provides training in the areas of …

  • Marketing Planning
  • Business Strategies
  • Bespoke Business Training

As businesses look for the end of the recession, skills training will be one of the keys that companies will use as a foundation to enable them to take advantage of the rise in the economy [when it comes]. The organisation also provides networking opportunities for business members to get together and to exchange ideas. Business Chambers of Commerce are an important factor in the life of the business owners and as an extension to networking we see that they GWE arrange Breakfast Evenings as well as Evening meetings to give those interested in exchanging business, marketing and strategy ideas to be able to do so in an informal environment.

We touched on the books/authors

  • Think and grow rich – Napolean Hill
  • Who says elephants cant dance – Louis V Gerstner Jr.
  • Dan Kennedy – speaking about getting our of our environment to get ideas

We noted that despite the recession, there are plently of businesses out there that are not only surviving but doing very well.

Take a listen, and let me know if I can assist you in moving closer to your business goals – just comment or get in touch.


-Stephen C Campbell

Stephen C Campbell

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