Controlling The Subconscious Mind

One of the most important aspects of the human life is to control the subconscious mind. Keeping it under control is the best way of getting the maximum out of the life. Most of the people today know what consciousness is. Sub consciousness is in fact, the exact opposite thing. Sometimes, some acts are performed without any conscious awareness. Take for example; bad thoughts creep into the mind despite the hard efforts to restrict it.


There are many other emotions like anger, jealousy, and hatred that come in ones mind. It is a big question about the origination of these thoughts. This is the work of the subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is nothing but the total of the past experiences of a person. Thus, whatever a person does today is based upon the experiences of the past.


To learn more techniques for controlling your subconscious mind; visit


Stephen C Campbell

Stephen C Campbell

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