emotional intelligence in the workplace

As Companies and Businesses as well as organisations of all kinds look for the competitive edge, we have seen that the traditional measure of competence i.e. IQ is not the only measure that is being used as means for hiring staff, developing leaders and ensuring that the future …

Stephen - Workshop Photo

… workers and leaders [i.e. the school children] have the necessary skills to give any organisation much needed competitive advantages.

I am currently in India rolling out a series of Organisational Effectiveness seminars throughout the country that will give leaders the tools to first, develop their own EQ competencies and then to be in a position to develop others in their organisations.

Of course Emotional Intelligence In The Workplace is receiving much attention today – why ? because ‘straight A’ individuals are being hired and managers are realising that the ability to be in touch with oneself [Emotional Intelligence] and correspondingly be able to influence and reach others [Social Intelligence] are some of the key skills that are needed today.

It is great to see that here in India leaders have seen the need for such competencies and I am glad to be here to use my skills to effectively assist in changing the world through promoting excellence via Emotional Intelligence.

Does your organisation need a little help from a different perspective ??

Get in touch and maybe we can together do something to improve your circumstance.

Stephen C Campbell [Kerala, SW India]

Stephen C Campbell

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