As I discuss the possibility of being hired as Business Consultant often by the small business owner, the question which often arises is “I have managed up until now without a marketing consultant, why do I need one now?” After I dig a little deeper what I normally find is that my prospective client’s business has been stagnant for years, that they have been doing things the way they always have and; as we know that guarantees we get the same results.
Of course, if you have not been trained in the marketing discipline, have a natural tendency or bias to market or not been exposed to classic marketing principles there is not reason why you should know exactly marketing is or how to execute marketing in your business. My advice to any prospective client or to you reading from wherever you are in the world is, if you are not moving with the times, learning and executing sound marketing principles to take your business to the next level – you are missing out on potential new customers, business growth, wealth creation and more.
Specifically, failure to make extensive use of the internet to generate awareness for your company, build your brand, establish your expertise and to reach customers from all corners of the earth is something I consider as a BIG mistake. If you are unable to grasp the new technologies, don’t have the time or personnel to execute the necessary tasks then the next best thing is to hire a consultant.
It is particularly rewarding for me to bring my experience of conducting business throughout Europe, the U.S. and the Far East to my consulting practice and to help in taking my clients business to the next level. Look out for some more posts in the Business Consultancy field real soon and for some products which I am putting together to help other with their marketing.
As always, please do feel free to post your comments and let me know what you think.