social intelligence and leadership

Currently I am involved in consulting with organisations to aid them in developing and increasing their organisational effectivenes and focussing in on just what is it that makes a great versus mediocre leader. What was it for example that made Herb Kelleher [former CEO of South West Airlines] such a great leader who made people want to follow him.

Looking at great leaders from all walks of life we know intrinsically that they have ‘something makes people want to be around them and want to do their very best for them as a leader and for the organisation for which they work. Through continued breakthroughs in Neuro Science we now know that the brain acts as both a transmitting as well as a recieving organ – with respect to leadership the term "Social Intelligence" looks at the ability of a leader to cause the members of his/her team to cooperate, do their very best and ultimately improve the organisation.

Traditionally we would focus on the abilities of the leader [Emotional Intelligence] and of their skill level and competencies to be able to complete tasks but now; we are looking at how critically important Social Intelligence is to the qualities of a leader.

During this particular business trip I have spoken to over 1000 people on the topic of Social Intelligence and Leadership, it is my desire that I will be able to continue to use my consulting skills in new and fresh areas in order to improve organisational effectiveness and thereby help companies to generate more revenues.

How is your [or you managers] level of Social Intelligence and Leadership Abilities ? Do you think it could be worthwhile spending a couple of days away from day to day activities to look at how you can improve by getting to grips with this topic ??

If so – let me know, any comments ??

Stephen C Campbell [Punjab, North India]

Stephen C Campbell

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