apps for business

There can be no doubt that the world has changed in terms of how we communicate with each other, how we use mobile phones on a daily basis and how the visibility of a business on the Internet can translate into literally millions of dollars of revenue. As the Internet is to be positioned as Continue Reading…

how to develop a marketing strategy

Marketing Strategy Business Development One of the most common questions that I get asked when acting in the capacity of a marketing strategy consultant by those individuals who are looking to start out in business [these include work from home entrepreneurs as well as small brick and mortar business owners]; also by those who have Continue Reading…

Business Sales Marketing And The Internet

The topics of Business, Sales, Marketing and the Internet and their relation to each other is perhaps one of the most relevant topics of conversation that need to be take seriously by all business owners. [display_podcast] It must be stated time and time again that it is the Sales and Marketing that is the heart Continue Reading…

My Business Is My Business – A Review

Yesterday, on my weekly Business Radio Program where I provide quality information on Business, Sales ….. [display_podcast] …. Marketing, The Internet, Globalisation and more !! I made a brief book review of Sheila Elliott’s ‘My Business Is My Business [Learn How To Earn A Fortune’] as the content is bang in line with the theme Continue Reading…