I tend to give a lecture or short talk to business owners once a month, in addition to this in my consulting work I am frequently astonished at the lack of discipline that businesses have when it comes to developing and implementing ongoing marketing strategies.
Given that marketing [and the resultant sales] are the life and soul of every company I am continually baffled at how little time business owners pay to marketing. The title of this article is ‘small business marketing ideas’ but when talking to executives from corporates I see a tendency to continue doing what has been done in the past.
That, of course will guarantee past results ! So – what are some of ideas that business owners can start to think about in order to effect change in their organisations ? Without looking at the details of the business of the reader, I would like encourage taking a look at the field of …
- Channel Marketing
… that it to say; stop and think about the various routes ‘Marketing Channels’ that you are currently using to …
- a) Get your message out to prospective clients
- b) Deliver your products and services to the end user
Take for example; some of the large supermarkets – here in the UK we have bit ‘T’, ‘S’ and ‘A’. They present their messages to us via the television, via the internet, newspapers, radio, billboards, flyers and the list can go on. In addition to this we can purchase the goods that they have on offer via the internet, via the TV or we can of course go into the store. We have described various Channels To Market that the supermarkets use to ultimately get us to purchase their goods.
Now, one of the lessons that we can learn from this is that there are / can be / should be various means / methods / techniques in use at any point in time as part of our ongoing marketing strategies. This is of course an ongoing process and something that will be developed / strategised and worked out during any business strategy consultation.
Marketing is a skill and discipline that many business owners who are experts at their particular business field often fail to appreciate – this is not something is done when it comes to Accounting and Finance and Manufacturing, the expert is normally called in to perform these functions. Marketing is the most important part of your business – do not leave it to chance, get expert help that can help you develop an ongoing coherent strategy from which to work from.
If you have any questions about this and would like to discuss personal consulting and coaching with me Stephen C Campbell, do not hesitate to get in touch ….