Now onto the 3rd and final part of this post.
Finally, there’s the “evergreen” method for creating original content for your online video, doing an interview. Contact a recognized expert in your target audience’s niche and ask to do an interview with him or her. It’s a great way for the expert to get the word out about his or her products and area of expertise without spending a dime. Your guest gets free exposure and, if you’ve come up with a series of interesting and thought-provoking questions, you get killer content for your streaming video. You can structure your online video in sections with say powerpoint slides and use snippets of the teleseminar interview to explain the key points of your presentation.
In this stage of the evolution of internet marketing; online video is only growing to grow and grow so it makes sense to take hold of the new technologies and use more and more online video as part of your internet marketing strategies to communicate more effectively with your customers and; to generate more revenue from your product and services.
To use streaming vidoe on your website and choose from a selection of professional actors to convery your message to the world visit
Stephen C Campbell