social media marketing strategies

As this was written years ago I was in the middle of preparing material to deliver corporate business strategy training and was preparing to cover social media marketing strategies as social media marketing strategy for business is very topical these days and becoming more of an important marketing channel for companies both large and small and from varying market sectors.


The case in point is that when many corporations look to make use of the new technologies – there is very often confusion and overwhelm in terms of which direction to follow; which tools to use, how often etc. Shall they use :-

  • Blogs
  • Search Engines
  • News Engines
  • Other Websites
  • Micro Blogging
  • Peer Reviews
  • Feeds

…. and the list could go on and on. It is unfortunate that at times the key message and brand communication of the corporation is thrown out as companies dive into making use of social media for business.

The key lesson, learning or take away point is to put critical focus on the organisation’s message from this strategic approach you should be able to determine which of the hundreds of platforms are most suitable for you to both communicate your message and to [most importantly] listen to what current and prospective clients have to say.

As we roll out our strategic seminars that focus on combining the new technologies with ‘traditional existing business marketing strategies – do get in touch if you’d like us to deliver at your venue [no matter where you are in the world] or work remotely to help you shape your strategies.

I update this post in April 2015 and the video above being recorded at the beginning of the day as I prepare to deliver a Strategic Social Media Marketing consulting and training seminar as the company I was hired by look to enhance their presence within the social media networks.

You will see from the video that there is a focus on Channel Marketing, as I approach this topic we have many channels that businesses use to interface with the market such as Telephone, Radio, Direct Mail and of course the Digital Marketing Channel, we can then further segment this channel to market to get down to the Social Media Marketing channel. In consulting I do stress the point that the other channels to market as appropriate need to be interfaced with, and we recommend an integrated approach tying in e.g. Direct Mail and the Telephone with the Social Media Marketing activities.

Whatever final plan is implemented depends of course on the market sector being operated within and the specific needs of the business in question, there is no ‘cookie cutter’ approach, therefore we adopt a strategic digital marketing and social media approach when advising and working with businesses and we suggest you take the same approach when embarking on looking at and refining your own company’s digital marketing and social media strategies.

Thanks for reading,

Stephen C Campbell

Stephen C Campbell

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