Using Our Subconscious Minds

The law of attraction states that the people and circumstances which appear in our lives are all in part a results of our dominant thoughts which are responsible for our actions as our subconscious mind is responsible for our habits which we carry out from day to day and it is those habits, those habits such as whether we exercise regularly or not, the type of food we eat. Whether we sacrifice time in the evenings to study for that extra qualification so we can become more valuable as employees and therefore get that promotion we desire; the place we go on a regular basis will ultimately determine the type of people we meet.

This is very important point as the programming of the subconscious mind which comes from various factors including the books we read, the movies we watch and of course our peer group and the types of people with whom we associate with and spend our time. The reason why this is so important is because there is normally a levelling effect amongst peer groups in terms of what people talk about, their earning capacity and their attitudes to goal setting and determining the direction of their lives.

The power of subconscious mind positive thoughts is critical as it is positive thinking and positive thoughts which craft and shape the direction of our lives, this is because out dominant thought work to actually program our subconscious mind and makes us into the people we are today.

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Stephen C Campbell

Stephen C Campbell

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