When it comes to both marketing and distribution, you need to come up with a plan. This plan should include both the goals that you intend to achieve, in a measurable form, and the steps that you plan to take in order to get there.
Having a plan will make it so that you can determine how effective your current marketing and distribution efforts are, and help you to figure out where you can improve on them in the future based on the results that you get.
In order to be able to track the results of your multi channel marketing and distribution plans, you will need to have a good customer relationship management software program. This will help you to figure out just who your current customers are, and what they are buying. Then you can try to market to them in other ways, or use this data to develop new markets that you can target in addition to your current customers.
You can use this software to keep track of how new customers heard of your product, for instance, so you can get a better idea of which channels are working and which are not, and switch from ineffective channels to those that might produce better results for your company.
It is important to keep at least one backup of your database, if not more because you don’t want to lose this all important information. You might want to have it backed up on different computers as well as having a copy at an off-site location just to make sure the data is safe.
Those who want to market their product internationally will need to keep in mind that this might require different marketing materials and different marketing channels.
- You will want to do a lot of research into your target market to figure out what methods and channels are most effective there.
- You also want to look into the culture to make sure that you do your marketing in a culturally effective manner without offending anyone.
It might take some trial and error in order to figure out just which marketing channels will work out the best in each different place that you market your product.