The topics of Business, Sales, Marketing and the Internet and their relation to each other is perhaps one of the most relevant topics of conversation that need to be take seriously by all business owners.
It must be stated time and time again that it is the Sales and Marketing that is the heart and soul of any business – not the products and services that are on offer !
The last point made above is a tough one to take in for many business leaders that fall in love with what they have to offer to the public at large – [ i.e. their product or service]. When this happens, we see that the focus on presenting the message/brand to the marketplace that was originially targetted fall away from an external to internal direction of attention.
The process of marketing is used to effectively target just ‘who the products and services are for and then this is where the sales process takes over in order to effect the sale. As for the internet – it is a wonderful tool and the subject that I am being asked to speak about the most. In short – we have to use the internet as a supplementary tool to act in conjunction with the ‘standard offline strategies and processes that have been developed.
The internet for sure is a wonderful Sales and Marketing tool but first, any company needs to have well defined messages for which they will be making use of the internet in order to convey that message.
Any thoughts on this ? need my services ? get in touch.