Globalization & The Emerging Markets

Having has the privilege ot have conducted business throughout Europe the United States and the Far East I have to say that the most joy and interest that I had was in conducting business and seeing globalization in action in places such as Indonesia, South Korea, India and Taiwan.

The way that the world markets are structured means that we actually need the world markets in places such as India and China to develop in business skills such as manufacturing, design and joint venturing. As the richer economies continue to innovate we see the other world economies taking on tasks such as co development and low cost manufacturing.

While many kick against the rise of globalization, the fact remains the innovation in the traditional wealthier economies of the world means that business opportunies and economic development paths are given to the less wealthy economies of the world. These emerging markets move on to become established world markets – such as given in the example of South Korea.

Stephen C Campbell

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