Internet Presence Should Be Part Of Company’s Overall Business Strategy

More and more I am incorporating the use of the internet as key component of the business strategies of the companies I do consulting work for. The point that I work to get across to clients is that they should be using their internet presence to act as equity for their business. What do I mean by this ? Well, most companies (small work from home businesses as well as the large corporates !!) may well have a website but it actually serves no purpose in terms of acting as realy equity for the business. In many cases the website actually received no or very little traffic as the business owner’s concern is with having a website as opposed to incorporating the internet presence into the overall company’s business strategy.

We have the world class expertise to create information products (we have many, many of our own) and to drive traffic to the website. Below is an example of one of the products we have created for ourselve in a ever growing and popular market niche :- (for the best clarity watch the video by clicking here [it may well take some time to load])


As I mention business strategy, that leads me on to another point – most of the small businesses I come across have no business plan or marketing strategy. At times company’s may put a basic plan together in order to get money from the banks but this is not the same as having a coherent market focussed business strategy dealing with components such as :-

  • Ideal Client Profile
  • Channel Strategies
  • Branding
  • Category Marketing

…. and the list can go on. I cover this and more when I work with clients and even provide a service where we create information products which are complimentary to their core ‘bricks and mortar’ business and give them the strategies to bring visitors to their main and auxiliary websites. After all, what is the point in having a website if noone ever visits the site to see what you have to offer ?

Stephen C Campbell

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