It is essential if you are starting a new, home-based business that you plan every possible thing that could happen. Not only does this help you reach a goal for the future, it also helps if you are trying to get financing for your home-based business. This important information is what makes up a home Continue Reading…
Month: July 2009
How To Determine What You Want In Life
What do you really want in life? Most people don’t discover what they want in life until it’s time to die – and that’s a shame. Most people spend the best years of their lives watching television or doing things they dislike. An author described humanity by saying, “Most people die at twenty and are Continue Reading…
Customer Testimonials
Another Business Customer Testimonial from (a United Kingdom based United States Entrepreneur) my friend and Business Partner … [display_podcast] … Bill Moore [] As Marketing [and the resultant Sales] are the life and soul of every business idea [and organisation] so therefore it is essential to get a solid Marketing Strategy developed at the outset. Continue Reading…
Business Marketing Testimonial
Here is another testimonial from another Business Person delighted with the insight and perspective I was able to bring to her business. With more and more people looking to get their very own business ideas out there to … [display_podcast] … the world at large, it is vitally critical for those people to ensure that Continue Reading…
Japanese Business Cards
I had such a wonderful time and experience managing and conducting business in Japan, we managed to grow the business from within Japan to South Korea, India & Taiwan and were in discussions with the very company who years later purchased the PC business from IBM – Legend. I found one of my Business Cards Continue Reading…
Business Testimonial
Here is one of a series of Business Testimonials that that I have collected over the years, this has been made into video format in the spirit of the rise of Universal Search. Full … [display_podcast] … name and business can be readily made know, just make contact. Business testimonials are something that should be Continue Reading…