internet marketing consulting

It is very interesting for me as a Business Marketing Strategy consultant to see how much of a shift of an emphasis [display_podcast] there has been in terms of corporations focussing on making use of internet marketing consultants. We know that a large percentage of the cost of getting a product to the end user Continue Reading…

best marketing consultants

Businesses of all sizes are looking to make use of the very best marketing consultants given that we are living in tough economic times. It has been said numerous times for good reason that ‘the heart and soul of business is the sales and marketing function’. The fact is that making the desired end user Continue Reading…

top ten business books

As a Business Marketing Strategy Consultant and Seminar Trainer – I work with businesses from a wide range of Business Sectors including … Technology Frequently Manufactured Consumer Goods Beauty Health and Wellness                                       … and have to come up with developing and taking apart and putting back together Business Marketing Strategies and Tactics that corporations Continue Reading…

Business Marketing Testimonial

Here is another testimonial from another Business Person delighted with the insight and perspective I was able to bring to her business. With more and more people looking to get their very own business ideas out there to … [display_podcast] … the world at large, it is vitally critical for those people to ensure that Continue Reading…

Marketing, The Heart And Soul Of Your Business

As I discuss the possibility of being hired as Business Consultant often by the small business owner, the question which often arises is “I have managed up until now without a marketing consultant, why do I need one now?” After I dig a little deeper what I normally find is that my prospective client’s business Continue Reading…