Another Example Of How We Put Products At The Top Of The Search Engines

Our consulting not only consists of developing world class go to market strategies and designing custom websites, we also coach clients how to use their websites as a part of their overall business strategy. As the internet becomes more and more of a dominant marketing channel, it pays to know where to find the experts Continue Reading…

Internet Presence Should Be Part Of Company’s Overall Business Strategy

More and more I am incorporating the use of the internet as key component of the business strategies of the companies I do consulting work for. The point that I work to get across to clients is that they should be using their internet presence to act as equity for their business. What do I Continue Reading…

Small Businesses Must Use The Internet To Build Equity Into Their Businesses

Many of the small work from home business I consult with have little or no internet presence.  By that I mean; even if they do have a website – it may as well not be there as it receives little or no traffic; and in cases is not even indexed in any of the major Continue Reading…

Using Your Blog To Build Your Brand

I’ve made a post on Hub Pages giving some tips on how to use a blog to build your brand online. Essentially I have condensed hours and hours of consulting time down into a short article from which you can glean from and build on the content. Blogs are being used as serious Business Building Continue Reading…