Category: business development management
create product and service solutions
Digital Marketing From A Channel To Customer Perspective
Business Development Strategy Development In the video accompanying to this blog post I take some time out to discuss what I consider to one of the fundamentals of business development that companies need to take into consideration which is that of channel marketing. When we refer to Channel Marketing we are able to conveniently divided Continue Reading…
channel marketing from a business development perspective
In some cases the length of the distribution channel can be very long [when we refer to distribution channel lengths we speak of the number of intermediary companies that sit in between the manufacturer and the end user] so if say there are seven [7] layers to be passed through before the purchaser is able Continue Reading…
business growth management
Business Development & Growth Management The thought process among many people out there is that all businesses and other organisations do have an inherent need to continue to develop and grow otherwise they will eventually be seen to have died or; other companies and competitors will in fact end up being preferred by those target Continue Reading…
Four Valuable Strategic Customer Retention Strategies
customer service and customer engagement Even if a business happens to have an established customer base, the only way to continue to grow that company is by keeping the customer base interested and happy as well as engaging in lead generation campaigns and building new leads into theorganisation, one of the way of doing this Continue Reading…
business to business marketing and branding
B2B Branding And Marketing One of the programs that I run in companies and in public seminars is that of Business To Business Branding [Marketing & OEM Development]. Some pose the question as to why this topic so much in demand for various organisations ? Let’s consider the interconnected world as well as the economy Continue Reading…