When asked, most advertisers have agreed that mobile marketing will become the most primary platform for brands to interact with younger [display_podcast] consumers. The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) conducted a study and 55% of marketers who were asked said they marketing via cell phones will become the number one way to communicate with people who Continue Reading…
Category: social media marketing
digital online marketing
A successful internet marketing strategy requires the right amount of resources to be allocated. These resources include funding, technology, and staff levels. You should first figure out what capabilities you have internally, so that you can determine whether or not you have the skill and knowledge you need internally or whether you will have to Continue Reading…
digital internet marketing
These days the big thing in marketing is taking advantage of all of the digital options that are available to you. These tend to be a lot cheaper than using many of the print forms of advertising, so there is no reason not to venture into using at least some of these marketing methods. In Continue Reading…
corporate internet marketing strategies
With the ongoing and increasing widespread use of the internet it is clear from a corporate business strategy [display_podcast] development perspective that the development of any corporate business marketing strategy now has to incorporate the useage of the internet. In terms of the development of the corporate business strategy it is critical for the executives Continue Reading…
social media marketing and facebook
At the end of the day, your goal for all social media projects should be to earn some type of return. Now, this return might not be immediate; and it may even take months or even a year to realize. But with that said, your goal should still be a return. [display_podcast] This is a Continue Reading…
internet marketing training programs
Internet marketing training programs are growing in demand as more and more corporations are correctly placing the internet in its correct [display_podcast] position in terms of the overall business strategy development activities that will determine where the company is going. The question is, where is the internet to be placed in terms of the development Continue Reading…
social media marketing strategies
As this was written years ago I was in the middle of preparing material to deliver corporate business strategy training and was preparing to cover social media marketing strategies as social media marketing strategy for business is very topical these days and becoming more of an important marketing channel for companies both large and small Continue Reading…